It’s Our Mission To Help You Privatize, Protect and Proliferate Your Wealth

Bulletproof Trust

A 401(k) is taxed and can lose money; we teach you how to PROTECT ANY ASSET from lawsuits or seizure while reducing your taxes!

Corporate Credit

Don’t gamble with your own money! Learn how to get $50K in business credit without NO PG, meaning you don’t have any personal liability!

High Credit Secrets

Got bad credit, no credit – no problem! Go from 0 to 720+ in 90 days! Boost your personal credit score by at least 100 points in the next 10 days!

Real Estate Secrets

Learn how to remove yourself from 100% of property taxes, perfect your land patent and stop foreclosures. You’ll never lose your home with this!

Foreclosure Profits

Be an “answered prayer” for others and GET BACK 100% of principal payments after a foreclosure or tax sale (for a 30% finder’s fee of course)!

Half Your Mortgage

Half your 30-year mortgage to 15-years without paying $1 more. Even better, we can cut a 30-year mortgage down to 5-years in just 4-5 steps!

Bulletproof Trust Secrets

A 401(k) is taxed and can lose money; we teach you how to PROTECT ANY ASSET from lawsuits or seizure by government while reducing your taxes!

Disclaimer: Nothing on this page should be construed as financial, legal or tax advice. We are not financial advisors, attorney’s or tax professional. The services and workshops are self-guided and common knowledge that show you how to identify and correct certain challenges on your own.

Corporate Credit Secrets

Don’t gamble with your own money! Learn how to get $50K in business credit without NO PG, meaning you don’t have to pay back any debts personally!

Foreclosure Profits

Be an “answered prayer” for others and GET BACK 100% of principal payments after a foreclosure or tax sale (for a 30% finder’s fee of course)!

Half Your Mortgage

Half your 30-year mortgage to 15-years without paying $1 more. Even better, we can cut a 30-year mortgage down to 5-years in just 4-5 steps!

Real Estate Secrets

Learn how to remove yourself from 100% of property taxes, perfect your land patent and stop foreclosures cold. You’ll never lose your home with this!

High Credit Secrets

Got bad credit, no credit – no problem! Go from 0 to 720+ in 90 days! Boost your personal credit score by at least 100 points in the next 10 days!

Disclaimer: Nothing on this page should be construed as financial, legal or tax advice. We are not financial advisors, attorney’s or tax professional. The services and workshops are self-guided and common knowledge that show you how to identify and correct certain challenges on your own.